Family Adrift

Our journey to reconnect

Podcasts for Moms


Where to start with a digital smorgasbord of podcasts to choose from? I searched under “family”, “mom”, “kids”, “parenting”, and “relationships”. I wanted THE ULTIMATE podcast: a safe haven for the chronically overworked and under-appreciated mom.

I was fascinated by the options. I found podcasts by working moms, stay-at-home moms, and entrepreneurial moms. These moms had babies, toddlers, young children, and teenagers. When did these mothers find the time to do podcasts? In contrast, other podcasts featured professionals: doctors, psychologists, family counsellors, lawyers, social workers.

In the end, I chose podcasts by heroic moms: warriors from the trenches with battle wounds and with brave hearts eager to assist fallen comrades. These are the moms I wanted to hear from: elbow deep in cake batter, knee deep in dirty laundry. I chose The MOM Podcast and Manic Mommies.

The MOM Podcast

Friends–Julie, Shelly, and Stacey–co-host The MOM Podcast. This show feels like meeting up with friends for coffee and chatting about parenting issues. The co-hosts are friendly, upbeat, and supportive of each other as they learn to be better parents together. The show feels casual and unrehearsed.

The subjects for the podcasts are interesting and diverse: social media safety, self-entitlement. After reviewing the range of subjects, I am now a regular listener.

Podcasts are produced every week or two. Each podcast is 15-30 minutes in length; perfect for the busy mom. I can listen to a full episode on my way to work. Most podcasts are acoustically clear.

The episode “Keeping Kids Safe on Social Media” is an exception. The podcast is focused and well-delivered, but the voices of co-hosts are muffled. This is unfortunate because the subject of child safety on social media is important, but the audio quality is so distracting that I almost signed off.

Manic Mommies

Co-hosts, Erin and Kristin, sound like DJs on a radio show. Their style is gritty and full of complaints about life, husbands, and children. The co-hosts are good talkers, but the expressions like chronic “uhs”, “ums” and “likes” are distracting. Sometimes the co-hosts laughter gets to the point of making the discussion incomprehensible.

The subjects for the podcasts are not substantive: chit chit. This podcast is meandering and unfocussed about a variety of random topics: weather, traffic, news, personal stories, complaints of busy moms. I live this everyday, so I did not find this show uplifting or reassuring. I am more interested in helpful tips to help me improve my parenting and my work-life balance. I am disappointed.

Manic Mommies is sponsored by Chevrolet. Each episode begins with an advertisement and thank you to the Chevrolet. The episode then continues with a general conversation about recent family events, interviews with specialists about anything from skin lasers to diaper rash. Random phone calls from appreciative listeners are also spliced into the show. The inclusion of these phone calls is distracting.

Manic Mommies is professionally produced and edited every week. Each podcast is 50-120 minutes in length: too long for my daily commute but I could listen while running.

From a quality of production perspective, Manic Mommies is a good podcast. That said, the content of The Mom Podcast is the one I want to hear every week.

2 thoughts on “Podcasts for Moms

  1. Hi Sherry, I really enjoyed your podcast. I did this a little backwards. I listened to your second podcast first… which made me not want to miss out on the first one as your second one was so good.

    Thanks for sharing your story, it is a great inspiration on how to keep going when we might feel a little out of our element or rundown. I can also relate to your podcast . I had my first child at 19 and my second at the age of 22. My work life balance had been a struggle for many years, ensuring that we were giving our children all that they deserved. I’ve come to realize that life only gives you what you can handle and that you don’t know your strength as a woman until you are put to the test.

    Great podcast Sherry


    • I am fascinated to be this far along in parenthood to finally discovered kindred spirits. Maybe this topic makes people uncomfortable.

      All that said, I am happy that you enjoyed the podcasts. Thanks for sharing your experience.

      I am really looking forward to seeing the creative videos that people produce. The next assignment will be lots of fun!


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